Summer is a time for time off and pondering. Relaxing by a stream, lake or the ocean, or even by a campfire in the woods, all have the benefit of being apart from daily life, “todos” and the “grind.” Letting one’s mind have space to wander is so needed, especially for creative types (which includes me!).
Unfortunately, today’s world is full of news, information, then more news and information. Even information from other artists can become overwhelming. It’s all swirling at me, constantly. There’s so little time for peaceful reflection.
I have been thinking about how necessary the skill of flexibility or “Going with the Flow” is.
“Going with the Flow” can allow for moments of inspiration or just simply rest. It’s needed to recharge our creative brains.
However it’s not all so easy, is it? I am a planner by nature. I like to have a plan and subsequently my schedule to unroll as I envisioned. And if it doesn’t go as planned, I sometimes get frustrated.
I’d like it if creative life unrolled in a neat, orderly way. Yet, it just doesn’t turn out that way. I can start a painting, get to the “messy middle” and put it aside for months. Then pick it up again randomly and think, “Now I know what this needs.” An artist can take a walk or visit a place, see something interesting or inspirational and let it percolate in their mind for a long time, and pull it out when needed.
I am goint to try to “lean in” to the “Going with the Flow” approach more often. I don't know if it's because I am in my wisdom years, I find the flexible approach leads to more happiness, relaxation and ultimately more creative thinking. Maybe I see the stress that will happen if I try to force something - whether it’s a schedule or a creative project.
Of course, there is perspective involved in this approach. If one takes the long view of things, many, many times the things we get upset about really won't matter in the future (and sometimes they don't even "matter" now.) I acknowlege there are events or projects that are important, but really not all of them are.
Over the last few years, I have realized the state of today’s world is cause for more reflection and rest - to recharge for the living of this life. I will be allowing for more time away from the chaos AND adding more flexibility in when the chaos hits!!!